English for Work Environment

Started on January 1, 1970


English for WE is a course designed for employees to help improve their English language proficiency. After a placement test, participants are put into their suitable level as per CEFR levels. The course follows the communicative approach and task-based learning. Students learn the four main skills, Listening, speaking, reading and writing with two sub-skills Grammar and vocabulary. The objectives of the course can be adapted to the client’s needs and preference so that most activities, vocabulary and tasks are in the context of the client’s sector. Throughout the course, students will be assessed through presentations, speaking and writing tasks, quizzes, group discussions and mid and final tests.


This main objective of the course is to help OIFC employees improve their English level to be able to use the language effectively in their work place. The outcomes of the course are prepared as per the levels decided after the placement test.


  • Communication in the Workplace

 The main objective of this course is to boost participants’ confidence, capabilities and skills to be able to communicate with their team effectively through a variety of speaking tasks.

  • Presentation Skills

Participants will deliver a number of presentations throughout the course to work on their presentation skills.

  • Formal Writing

An important objective of this course is to develop participants’ ability to write professionally in their workplace.

They write letters, meeting minutes, reports, memos, and emails.

  • Grammar and Vocabulary

Participants are provided with grammar and vocabulary appropriate for a variety of communicative situations in the work environment.

  • Functional Language

Throughout the course, the students are given the opportunity to practice the functional language necessary to express the demands of daily work life; agreeing and disagreeing; asking for and giving advice; directions; opinions; permission and instructions; asking questions; complaining and apologizing.

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